Ross Clennett

Recruitment coach

2017 | Webdesign, Email Marketing, Workflow Automation


Ross Clennett is a highly sort after recruitment coach of 10 years from Melbourne Australia, providing specialist programs for owners, leaders and consultants in the recruitment industry.

The Brief

Ross came to Unbranded Digital seeking a complete upgrade to his ageing website, he was facing problems such as an unresponsive website for mobile readers of his blog and program offerings. As well as organising all of his courses for customers in various stages of their education, in an easy to digest format.

Our Response

The first job was to create a mockup which included a new updated theme and layout of the entire website. Moving over 500 blog posts and links from an older outdated platform on to a much more suitable WordPress format, making publishing and editing a much easier experience for Ross. A brand new Homepage was created to funnel visitors to the relevant programs they may be interested in. Then a brand new automated email delivery was built into each course featured on the website to prepare students for their future webinars and supply course material. Saving Ross on precious administration time so he can better focus on producing his strong course and marketing material.

The Results

Tripling of website traffic most likely due to Ross’ strong audience, who are now able to view content effortlessly via mobile as well as sharing blog posts with colleagues with ease. We have also courses selling out that never have before which can be contributed to having a clear layout of products available with easy navigation and an efficient checkout page. With a healthy addition of new testimonials every few months. We continue to work with Ross studying all of his analytics on a monthly basis and making adjustments to his email marketing and website to see continued success for the years ahead.


in homepage traffic


in course sales


reduction bounce rate

What we do

We provide a range of services to our clients, tailored to meet their specific needs.